recontextualise the droppings of technological progress into meaningful artefacts through a series of workshops and interventions on the theme of recycling, reappropriation and de[con]struction.

December 2003 The Amber Order made their second pilgrimage, blessing the shiny power outlets of the Nordic Exceptional Trendshop spectacle in Copenhagen.

November 2003 Transforming solar energy to audible sound waves, breathers subtly parasite the private frequencies of the solar spectrum, subverting the business model of solar filtering companies and articulates a resistance of the commodification of the energy spectrum.

October 2003 We hosted the Dressed for Dependence workshop at the School of Art & Communication in Malmö. A dozen hard working students produced numerous pieces of beautiful, post-optimal attire.

August 2003 The Power Pilgrims action took place in and around the ½-Machine event in Copenhagen. It was preceded by the decycle workshop.

Desearch and Revlopment are:
Otto von Busch fashion renegade and DIY-demagogue
David J Cuartielles electronics and explosive hacktivism expert
Erik Sandelin sonic field agent and first connectron
Livia Sunesson solenoid belle and sensuous experience designer
Magnus Torstensson design optimist and macropterous magniloquist